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█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, March 8, 2025 6:01 am 1:20:55
Bike Talk #2509 – The Firecracker, a Vigil, an Icon, and Two Directors

  0:22 LA Locals Taylor & Don saw the city like tourists on an Ebike Tour of Hollywood.

  4:59 Bike Director Kevin Wong on Chinatown’s March 8-9 Firecracker Ride, the largest Lunar New Year Run, Walk, Cycling, and Dog Walk event in the US.

10:41 Bike Indianapolis Advocacy Committee Chair Jakob Morales on the recent vigil and ghost bike placement for Dillan Lee Rogers.

19:44 Jacquie Phelan, veteran mountain bike racer and way paver for women racers, reminisces about her glory days with original Bike Talk co-host Jim Cadenhead.

28:40 Founding Directors Brendt Barbur of the Bicycle Film Festival and Josh Paget of the Better Cities Film Festival talk bikes and movies with Taylor.

47:15 The free ‘Love to Ride’ app lets users give feedback on how safe and comfortable they feel when riding their bikes on different streets, and shares that data with cities to promote bike commuting. With CEO Thomas Stokell.

53:44 Stacey’s Bike Thought.

57:59 Part II of the interview with Jacquie Phelan.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, March 1, 2025 6:01 am 0:58:09
Bike Talk 2508 – Freedom to Bike

  0:22 Taylor’s science-backed brush with car-induced unhappiness.

  3:25 New York City congestion pricing will resist Trump’s attempts to kill it, predicts NYC Transportation Alternatives Communications Director, Alexa Sledge.

10:35 Maybe the NYC toll program would fare better if we labelled them “Congestion tariffs,” suggests Listener Rick Bosacker.

14:47 Congestion Pricing, climate change, and the dire situation in federal funding, a bike advocacy roundtable with Cynthia Rose, President of Santa Monica Spoke and Board Member of Calbike, Eli Kaufman, Executive Director of Bike LA, Kendra Ramsey, E.D. of CalBike, Galen Mook, E.D. of MassBike, Todd Scott, E.D. of Detroit Greenways Coalition, Justin Hu-Nguyen, Co-Executive Director of Mobility Justice at Bike East Bay, Dave Snyder, Senior Director for Infrastructure and Matt Moore, General and Policy Counsel for People For Bikes.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, February 22, 2025 6:01 am 1:04:13
Bike Talk 2507 – Cars make us unhappy

  2:08 On vacation in Fraser, CO, “the ice box of America,” self-proclaimed “single track capital of the world,” Taylor talks track with Ben Quinn, owner of Ice Box Mountain Sports.

  5:23 Our friend, Los Angeles bike advocate, cyclocross racer, and survivor of the Eaton fire, Dorothy Wong, on rebuilding Los Angeles.

17:19 A California court’s ruling that recreational cyclists can’t sue the city when injured on city streets makes no sense, according to bike lawyer James Pocrass, and be careful when you sign a waiver.

28:10 Car dependence makes people unsatisfied with life, according to a study in Travel Behaviour and Society. Taylor talks with study author Rabebe Saadaoui.

45:18 Micromobility NYC, a Reddit group, organized protests which, with others, built pressure to “un-pause” NYC congestion pricing. Nicholas talks to the Reddit group’s moderator, Miser, in the weeks before Trump declared he’d undo the policy.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, February 15, 2025 6:01 am 0:58:00
Bike Talk 2506 – Donald Shoup, Parking Reformer; 15 minute cities; bike books & movies

  1:16 Donald Shoup, author of “The High Cost of Free Parking,” has died. Tony Jordan, President of the Parking Reform Network, talks about Shoup’s decades of teaching, writing, and speaking on reversing subsidized free car storage.

Find our interviews with Donald Shoup at

11:00 CalBike joins amicus brief in Safe Streets Accountability Case after lower courts categorized bike riders as “recreational” street users who venture onto public streets at their own risk. Kendra Ramsey, Executive Director of the California Bicycle Coalition, lays out how sweeping the implications could be for California’s riders.

19:49 The man who coined the famous term “15 Minute Cities” and was central to Paris’ bike revolution, Carlos Moreno.

41:18 Reviews by Elly Blue, author of Bikenomics and editor of Portland’s Microcosm Publishing: Marshall Taylor’s autobiography, Romantasy “The Ministry of Time,” and the anime film Suzume.

Buy the books Elly reviewed at‘s Bookshop.

47:07 Eric Dunn, Director of the Wild and Scenic film festival, on bike-related offerings in this year’s lineup.

54:54 Detroit’s Bike The Blizzard rides this month with Back Alley Bikes. Justin and Reo Ramsey relate.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, February 8, 2025 6:01 am 1:00:10
Bike Talk 2505 – Bikes for kids in LA and Florida, Black Girls Do Bike, and ebikes over 60

  1:14 Taylor almost gets killed, and Stacey does get hit.

  5:10 Taylor fixes up bikes for fire victims in Los Angeles with Jim Shanman and Walk n Rollers.

  9:41 News, powered by Ted Rogers’
Waymo reports AVs are safer than human drivers.
Bike theft increased 15% last year
The League of American Bicyclists is out with their latest list of the country’s most Bicycle Friendly Communities
A new report says California is the most car dependent state
A new study shows bicycling has a $1.4 billion impact on the state of Iowa alone
The San Antonio, TX. City Council just approved a big new bike plan

15:22 NPR reports A Florida hospital gave bikes to kids because buses don’t serve students within 2 miles of school. Taylor, Nick, Lindsay and Stacey discuss whether that’s a good idea.

17:51 Kelly Morphy, executive Director of the Florida Bicycle Association.

23:05 Los Angeles Black Girls Do Bike member Enjoleah Daye.

36:39 John Gibalisco: Pedaling Past 60; riding ebikes flattens hills.

51:59 Fair weather riders Jake and Toni confess they bike less in winter.

57:12 Editor of Streetsblog NYC Gersh Kuntzman’s Bike Thought.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, February 1, 2025 6:01 am 0:58:00
Bike Talk 2504 – Conservative values support biking. NYCongestion pricing. Bike lanes = car infrastructure.

  0:47 Bike Lawyer James Pocrass on what it’s like to bike in Los Angeles with the fires still burning, wearing masks, and avoiding scams.

  6:39 With fewer cars and fewer injuries, the congestion pricing zone in NYC is like Sunday all week, according to StreetsblogNYC Editor Gersh Kuntzman.

14:27 News: bike crashes are reduced at intersections with stop-as-yield laws, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finds.

16:35 Listener Rick Bosacker writes & asks for a Bike Talk on how “cycling aligns quite well with many conservative values and strategies.” Cohosts Nick, Lindsay, Taylor and Stacey discuss.

23:28 Understanding car infrastructure with Hayden Clarkin, the “Transit Guy”.

45:03 Detroit’s Slow Roll is a fun, respectful way to learn about the city and enjoy community. Reo Ramsey talks with Slow Roll leader and manager of Trek Detroit, Jason Hall.

53:35 Caron Whitaker, Deputy Executive Director of League of American Bicyclists, shares a Bike Thought.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, January 25, 2025 6:01 am 0:58:15
Bike Touring, Motornormativity, and Treating the Public Health Crisis of Oversized SUVs #2503

  0:57 Cohosts Taylor, Nick, Lindsay and Stacey ponder possible effects of the new administration on bikes, cars, and infrastructure.

  4:52 Listener Email: Reese Bastion writes about motonormativity, the acceptance of public hazards from cars where similar hazards like smoking wouldn’t be tolerated. This sparks a discussion about how the framework that led to smoking in public being banned could apply to oversized SUVs.

Listener bike tours:

18:41 Rick Bosacker, M.D., of New Zealand calls from a cruise ship toward the end of a family bike tour of the world’s great and not-so-great bike cities.

27:43 Brett McGraw, from Minneapolis, tours car-centric Los Angeles by bikeshare and transit.

38:03 The “Listening Tour” of Andrew Mohama, who biked home to Chicago from San Francisco, listening to people’s loneliness along the way.

54:37 Bike Thought by Kendra Ramsey, Executive Director of the California Bicycle Coalition.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, January 18, 2025 6:01 am 0:58:08
An LA Story – The Fires, Dorothy, The Bike Oven, and Hollywood #2502

  1:39 Altadena Town Councilmember, Bike Educator/activist, cyclocross champion and race organizer Dorothy Wong lost her house in the Eaton fire, along with all her bikes. Gofund her here. She reflects with Culver City Councilmember Bubba Fish – also a bike activist.

40:57 The Bike Oven of Highland Park, long a community hub for DIY bike repair, has become an emergency aid distribution center. Volunteer Joe Borfo talks to us about their operation.

46:50 News: Entitled driver rages against kids on bikes. Then, the kids rage on his Mercedes.

50:20 Is the image of bike riding versus driving changing in movies? The topic was recently discussed on the Nobody Drives in LA podcast.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, January 11, 2025 6:01 am 0:59:30
Costa Rica, Congestion Pricing NYC, and Biking with Disability #2501

  0:35 In honor of the New Year, Nick shares his mission statement for Bike Talk, and compares his acting career with Taylor’s.

  4:15 Taylor interviews a Costa Rican mountain biker on his recent trip to Costa Rica …

  8:30 … and shares his mission statement for Bike Talk.

  9:38 News: On Day 1 of Congestion Pricing in NYC, Transportation Alternatives Communications Director Alexa Sledge shares her observations.

17:26 A new California law defines “e-bike”.

18:20 Studies: Listener “Big E” emails Bike Talk about his bike, or “errand machine,” and links to a study showing 52% of trips in the US are less than 3 miles.

20:01 Another study shows that relying on a car for more than 50% of the time out of the house results in a decrease in life satisfaction.

22:08 A United Kingdom charity, Wheels for Wellbeing, helps people who are disabled get on and enjoy riding bikes of all shapes and sizes. With Dr. Kay Inckle, Campaigns and Policy Manager.

40:05 Blind Tandem Bicycling With Frank Nemiroff and Sonya Chapnick.

55:37 Stacey’s Bike Thought.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, January 4, 2025 6:01 am 0:58:47
Bike Grid Nation (repost)

  0:26 Midnight Rida/Bike Oven volunteer Joe Borfo lends Bike Talk his tandem for a new logo.

  4:57 News: Bill 212 passes, allowing Ontario Premier Doug Ford to proceed with removing Toronto’s popular bike lanes despite data that shows they’re successful. Congestion pricing starts in NYC.

  6:39 A Winnipeg rider, Patty Wiens, responds to Taylor's LA-centric comments about winter riding "on a trainer in the basement" back east.

  9:58 Why Are American Drivers so Deadly? NY Times writer Matthew Shaer unpacks his article with Taylor.

29:40 How we move forward to create sustainable cities with networks of protected bike lanes, or bike grids. With Gil Peñalosa, founder of 8–80 Cities.

56:11 Stacey's Bike Thought.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, December 28, 2024 6:01 am 0:58:16
Bike Love (repost)

National Bike News: car related crime, new federal Transportation Alternatives funding, and the EXPLORE act passage.

  6:23 Studies: E-bikes and scooters displace 4x as much demand for oil as all of the EVs in the world, and vehicles with higher, more vertical front ends pose greater risk to pedestrians.

  9:32 What to do in a bike crash, with LA Personal Injury Attorney Jim Pocrass.

15:48 Livable Communities: bikes, transit, and housing. Liveable Communities Initiative founder Lindsay Sturman and Taylor Nichols.

41:23 “Hating Bike Lanes is not a Winning Strategy,” writes Massachusetts Streetsblogger Christian MilNeil of fall elections in Massachusetts.

55:45 Stacey’s Bike Thought.

Originally posted December 5, 2023.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, December 21, 2024 6:01 am 1:00:15
Ebike Police State in NYC; The Road Widening Fallacy; Kids on Bikes Protest in Amsterdam

An email from avid listener Rick Bosacker, who gets the joke about “avid cyclists.” He’s on a 13 month world tour with his family, who are differently avid.

  2:12 Taylor gets route help from Canadian cyclists Dan and Lynette Markham in bike-unfriendly Laguna Beach, California.

  5:19 Bike Friendly States’ ranking highlights by the League of American Bicyclists’ Policy Director Ken Macleod.

  8:58 Intro 606 bill would require the licensing of ebikes in NYC, and make every person on a bike a target- especially those who are already targeted. “There Are No Accidents” author Jessie Singer unspools a thread.

23:38 Even the Netherlands could do better for children’s active transportation, which is why kids had to protest for park space in Amsterdam, say Dr. Meredith Glaser and Michela Grasso of the Urban Cycling Institute.

37:05 Widening roads doesn’t decrease gridlock. Why don’t engineers know this? Steffen Berr, the Haarlem traffic engineer behind Build the Lanes, and Sully Israel, a traffic planner in Los Angeles, build their case.

55:26 Stacey’s Bike Thought.
█ KPFK Online ProgrammingBike Talk Podcast
Saturday, December 14, 2024 6:01 am 0:53:59
Bike Fights, Loser Lanes, Organizing Advocates and “Avid Cyclists”

  1:28 The Ebike Getaway of Luigi Mangioni.

  5:29 An overview of the Washington Area Bicycle Coalition, WABA, by Elizabeth Kiker, Executive Director.

  7:46 The Evanston, IL Bike Lane Debate as told by Streetsblog Chicago Editor John Greenfield.

14:10 People who bike were betrayed by the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure’s watering down of a protected bike lane, say Denver Bike Lobbyists Alejandra Castañeda and Rob Toftness.

27:25 The video game Loser Lane is impossibly dangerous, because it simulates the city of Toronto without bike lanes. Marie Leblanc Flanagan, the game designer, thanks anti-bike Ontario Premier Doug Ford for each virtual death.

41:30 The work of the Massachusetts Bike Coalition, MassBike, as told by Galen Mook, Executive Director, to Charlie Leightheiser.
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